Ag Ed Program

At the 2024 Rockhampton Show, we proudly introduced a new initiative: the Agricultural Educational Program. Recognising the importance of agricultural education, we are committed to enriching the educational content at the Rockhampton Show, offering children and adults the opportunity to understand the vital role agriculture plays in our daily lives.

Why Agricultural Education?

While not every Australian grows up on a farm, we believe that everyone should have the chance to experience the hands-on learning that comes with caring for animals, nurturing the environment, and growing their own food.

2024 Program Highlights

Our 2024 program featured an array of workshops, performances, and presentations, providing a fun, interactive experience for all ages. Participants had the opportunity to learn about:

  • Native bees
  • Worm Farming and composting
  • Native plants
  • Organic agriculture
  • Managing pest plants and animals
  • Parasites
  • And much more!

These activities were designed to be both educational and entertaining, ensuring that every visitor left with a greater understanding and appreciation of agriculture.

Learn More

For more information about the 2024 Rockhampton Agricultural Educational Program, please see our presenters below.

Get Involved in 2025

If you are interested in being part of our 2025 Agricultural Educational Program, we would love to hear from you! Please email us at

Join us in our mission to educate and inspire the next generation about the importance of agriculture in everyday life!